The state of Iowa has provided me with opportunities to grow and develop. I was born in Iowa City, and raised in Traer, Cedar Falls, and West Des Moines. The University of Iowa offered me the chance to become a dentist. The first dental practice I joined was in Keokuk. Iowa is a wonderful place to grow up, live, work, and raise a family. In 2004, Dr. Brian Bouck and Dr. Eric Kimball provided my family the chance to return to Waterloo-Cedar Falls. Cedar Valley created a strong foundation to build a practice and raise a family. Michelle and I are grateful to call it our home.
I have had the pleasure of calling Brian Bouck a family friend and mentor my entire life. Brian and Shirlee were active leaders in our church when I was young. Brian and Shirlee always seemed happy and inspired. They modeled stewardship, service to the community, and humility before God. Brian served his patients and dental team members with the same purpose. He created a beautiful office full of engaged professionals eager to provide the best dental experience possible. Brian’s leadership and vision forged the Kimball & Beecher Group’s culture and values. Brian and Eric trusted me to join the practice as Brian retired. It was an honor and a privilege.
Eric and I were confident we could continue the legacy. We shared an early vision to grow and expand the practice through technology and continued education. We believed the practice needed to build outstanding facilities for our patients and teams. Eric and I challenged each other to lead the practice with high standards for others to follow and replicate. We strived to create the best dental experience and care available to Iowans. This vision and commitment to serve our community has been rewarded with a continuously growing patient flow and the opportunity to work with the best dentists, hygienists, assistants, and administrators in the dental profession.
The Kimball & Beecher Group’s growth has continued to surge as the practice expanded across Iowa this past decade. I am grateful for Eric’s unwavering commitment to expand our impact and ability to serve new communities across Iowa. We have grown our original partnership to include eight more dental professionals who share our culture and values. The Kimball & Beecher Group looks forward to serving Iowans for generations. We are eager to continue expanding this partnership and team to new communities and new states soon.
- Beau Beecher
My dental career has been blessed more than I had ever imagined possible. It began in 1999 with an opportunity to work with Dr. Brian Bouck. Dr. Bouck’s mentorship was truly invaluable. Daily, I observed not only what it meant to be a great dentist, but also what it meant to serve your patients, community, and team. He was extremely generous with his time, knowledge, and wisdom. To him, and for this, I will be forever grateful.
In 2004, Dr. Bouck decided to move on, which provided another unique opportunity. Dr. Beau Beecher and I took over his practice as partners. Our goal was straightforward, in that we wanted to continue Dr. Bouck’s legacy of first class dental care and service to the community. We truly believe that this goal is really more of a journey than a destination. With daily reminders of our purpose, and the help of an outstanding team, we continually strive to improve.
Over time, multiple other opportunities have allowed us to expand our reach in the state of Iowa. Our team has expanded and afforded us the ability to work with some exceptional people. I’m proud to be associated with some of the best dentists in the state and a team that truly believes in our mission. I will always be thankful for my founding partner, Dr. Beecher. His vision, guidance, and patience through our journey has been extremely valuable.
My enthusiasm for our organization continues to this day. And although I am grateful for everything that is and has been, I look forward to our continued growth and improvement.